
  • Sugandi Miharja UIN Sunan Gunung Djati, Bandung



Penelitian, Konseling, Online


This paper attempts to present the use of online media in counseling research. The online research method is a new trend, where researchers can collect data through the internet media. With that being said, there’s a question arises, “what is the best online media” so that research gets data that meets the validity standards in scientific research. The research was conducted at the Aleogama Porto Guidance Counseling community, which is located at the website, in Bandung. They carry out counseling service activities using quantitative and qualitative data in an integrated manner. This research approach uses a qualitative study. The data were collected using observation, documentation and interviews. Observations are aimed at the online service process. Documentation in the form of applications and printed data. The interviews were aimed at the components of their human resources, including public relations, coordinators, hosts, testers and administrators. The results of data collection show that using both quantitative and qualitative approaches, the use of online media can provide time effectiveness, maximize human resources and reduce costs in conducting research. A more detailed explanation of the strengths, weaknesses and ways of obtaining data by the research subjects either through questionnaires, surveys or interviews, for counseling research is also described. Either with or without the regulations validated to minimize direct physical contact, online media has contributed effectively in developing the research and theory concerned.


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How to Cite

Miharja, S. (2022). PERSPEKTIF BARU PENELITIAN KONSELING: METODE KUALITATIF DAN KUANTATIF SECARA ONLINE. Sociocouns: Journal of Islamic Guidance and Counseling, 2(1), 23–42.