Sociocouns: Journal of Islamic Guidance and Counseling <p><strong>Sociocouns: Journal of Islamic Guidance and Counseling</strong> published every six months in April and October by the Islamic Guidance and Counseling Study Program, Faculty of Da'wah, Kiai Haji Achmad Siddiq State Islamic University of Jember. This scientific periodical is present as a medium for publishing the latest research results in the field of Islamic Guidance and Counseling as well as science that is still related to the focus and scope of research.</p> <p><strong>Sociocouns: Journal of Islamic Guidance and Counseling </strong>is published regularly twice a year and is a forum for scientists and academics in the field of Guidance and Counseling. The editors invite researchers, experts and academics to contribute their thoughts, either in the form of normative or empirical research results and in accordance with their scientific disciplines to be published after going through a rigorous selection, reviewing peer reviewers, and the editing process seriously.</p> en-US (Minan Jauhari) (Suryadi) Sun, 22 Dec 2024 11:30:09 +0700 OJS 60 Journaling: Membentuk Efikasi Diri Klien X di Puskesmas Depok I, Sleman <p><em>Students who are completing their thesis often experience various obstacles. The thesis remains a trigger for stress which can cause anxiety, depression, difficulty sleeping, decreased academic performance, use of illegal drugs, lack of self-confidence, risk of developing mental disorders, hopelessness, which increases the possibility of thinking to commit suicide. This research aims to see how clinical psychology shapes the self-efficacy of students who experience obstacles in writing their thesis using journaling techniques. This research uses a descriptive qualitative approach. The research method is based on descriptive data processing. Using this relaxation technique can help overcome the anxiety experienced by students. Apart from that, strategies to help clients face these obstacles include using journaling techniques or writing a journal to strengthen self-efficacy. Because one way to balance heavy loads and maximum results is to cultivate confidence in one's abilities.</em></p> Faiqotul Izzatin Nikmah, Nurjannah, Suryadi Copyright (c) 2024 Sociocouns: Journal of Islamic Guidance and Counseling Sun, 22 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Layanan Konseling Pranikah pada Calon Pengantin di Balai Penyuluh KB Kecamatan Ajung <p><em>This research focuses on pre-marital counseling services for prospective brides and grooms at the Family Planning Extension Center, Ajung District. This research uses a qualitative method from a phenomenological perspective. The research subjects were prospective brides and grooms who were about to get married and carried out counseling facilitated by the Ajung District Family Planning Counseling Institute. The types of data used in this research are primary data and secondary data. The research results show that the implementation of premarital counseling is carried out through information services, consultation services, individual counseling and group counseling. The premarital counseling material is the application of 8 family functions, preventing maternal and infant deaths with 4 too, and preventing stunting through optimizing 1000 HPK. Barriers to premarital counseling include counselees who tend to be passive, counseling facilities are inadequate and the average bride and groom do not know about premarital counseling, thus affecting the effectiveness of the implementation of premarital counseling</em></p> Ira Fasira, Khalisa Adila, Moh. Ismail, Robby Sofyan Iskandar, Suryadi Copyright (c) 2024 Sociocouns: Journal of Islamic Guidance and Counseling Sun, 22 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Peran Pengurus Asrama dalam Menangani Perilaku Maladjustment pada Santri Baru di Pondok Pesantren Roudlotut Tholibin Kota Probolinggo <p><em>Maladjustment behavior refers to a state in which an individual is unable to adapt to their surrounding social environment, causing problems. The maladjustment behaviors observed in new students include reluctance to pray in congregation, skipping religious and formal school classes, and not participating in pesantren activities. The objectives of this research are: 1) to understand and describe how the dormitory supervisors handle maladjustment behaviors in new students at Roudlotut Tholibin Islamic Boarding School, 2) to identify and describe the factors causing maladjustment in new students at Roudlotut Tholibin Islamic Boarding School, and 3) to understand and describe the impact of the dormitory supervisors' efforts in managing maladjustment behavior on the adaptation of new students at Roudlotut Tholibin Islamic Boarding School. The research method uses qualitative with a descriptive type of research. Data collection techniques use observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis uses Miles &amp; Huberman theory, namely data collection, data condensation, data presentation, and conclusion drawn. The results of this study indicate that the role of dormitory supervisors in handling maladjustment among new students is demonstrated by their well-executed duties and responsibilities. The factors causing maladjustment behavior in new students stem from personal issues within the pesantren and the significant distance between parents and students. The impact of the dormitory supervisors in managing maladjustment behaviors varies; some students successfully adjust, while others decide to leave the pesantren.</em></p> Karimatun Nisa, Suryadi Copyright (c) 2024 Sociocouns: Journal of Islamic Guidance and Counseling Sun, 22 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Survey Tingkat Trust dan Rapport Konselor sebagai Wujud Konselor yang Efektif Berdasarkan Perspektif Siswa <p><em>This research aims to determine the level or profile of trust </em>and rapport as a form of effective counselor based on the student's perspective. The method used by researchers is quantitative with a descriptive design and survey approach. The number of samples used was 60 students from SMA Hang Tuah 2 Sidoarjo<em>. The sampling technique used is random sampling. This research instrument uses a trust and rapport questionnaire. The data analysis technique uses descriptive percentages. The research results show that trust is very important, if trust cannot be built well then the counseling relationship cannot be established well. Meanwhile, rapport needs to be built to create warmth and comfort between the counselor and the counselee</em><em>.</em></p> Lilis Choirunnatun Nisa, Adetea Apriliyanti Supriyo, Muwakhidah, Adetea AprInneke Leeuwanda, MuwakIrwan Yogaswara Putra, Widiya Nur Laily Copyright (c) 2024 Sociocouns: Journal of Islamic Guidance and Counseling Sun, 22 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Pengaruh Parenting Style Authoritative Orang Tua Terhadap Pengambilan Keputusan Jenjang Karier Pada Siswa Kelas XII IPA MAN 2 Jember <p>Orang tua merupakan salah satu faktor eksternal yang berpengaruh pada anak saat membuat keputusan jenjang karier terutama pada siswa kelas XII yang akan melanjutkan jenjang kariernya setelah lulus sekolah menengah atas. Dalam macam-macam pola pengasuhan orang tua diketahui salah satunya adalah <em>parenting style authoritative </em>atau pola asuh jenis demokratis. <em>Parenting style authoritative </em>merupakan jenis pengasuhan orang tua dengan perlakuan membentuk kepribadian anak dengan cara memprioritaskan kepentingan anak yang bersikap rasional atau pemikiran-pemikiran, membantu anak untuk belajar mengambil keputusan dan tanggung jawabnya sendiri, terutama pengambilan keputusan jenjang kariernya. Rumusan masalah pada penelitian ini yaitu apakah terdapat pengaruh <em>parenting style authoritative </em>orang tua terhadap pengambilan keputusan jenjang karier pada siswa kelas XII IPA MAN 2 Jember?. Sehingga tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui ada atau tidaknya pengaruh <em>parenting style authoritative </em>orang tua terhadap pengambilan keputusan jenjang karier pada siswa kelas XII IPA MAN 2. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kuantitatif dengan menggunakan jenis penelitian <em>asosiatif. </em>Dengan partisipan sebanyak 43 responden yaitu siswa kelas XII IPA MAN 2 Jember yang orang tuanya menggunakan <em>parenting style authoritative</em>. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis linear regresi sederhana dan hasilnya terdapat pengaruh <em>parenting style authoritative </em>orang tua terhadap pengambilan keputusan jenjang karier siswa kelas XII IPA MAN 2 Jember sebesar 14,4%.</p> Nanda Mayang Wahyuningtias, Fuadatul Huroniyah Copyright (c) 2024 Sociocouns: Journal of Islamic Guidance and Counseling Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Analisis Teknik Self Talk dan Terapi Tafakkur Untuk Mereduksi Kecemasan Sosial <p>Tujuan penelitian ini untuk melihat kesinkronan <em>self talk</em> dan metode tafakur dalam upaya mereduksi kecemasan sosial. Metode yang digunakan adalah studi literature yakni metode pengumpulan data melalui serangkaian kegiatan dengan membaca, mencatat serta mengolah data pustaka sebagai penelitian. Kecemasan sosial merupakan pikiran negatif akan ketidakpastian yang belum terjadi menjadikan individu mengalami kecemasan berlebihan hingga menimbulkan gejala fisik seperti keringat dingin, sakit kepala hingga menarik diri dari lingkungan. Maka darinya perlu adanya upaya mereduksi kecmasan sosial dengan menggunakan teknik <em>self talk </em>sebagai pendekatan untuk merubah pikiran negatif kepada pemikiran lebih positif. Namun peneliti merasa tidak cukup menggunakan rasional akan tetapi perlu keseimbangan antara rasional dan spiritual agar menciptakan kemandirian individu dalam melakukan problem solving.</p> Aulia An Nadhila, Nurus Sa'adah Copyright (c) 2024 Sociocouns: Journal of Islamic Guidance and Counseling Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Pelaksanaan Konseling Dalam Mengatasi Trauma Korban Kekerasan Seksual Di Bawah Umur Di Unit Pelaksana Teknis Perlindungan Perempuan dan Anak (UPT PPA) Kabupaten Situbondo <p>Kasus kekerasan seksual saat ini marak terjadi, anak sering menjadi korban kekerasan seksual oleh orang yang tidak bertanggung jawab. Kekerasan seksual tidak hanya dilakukan oleh seorang anak ataupun remaja, melainkan juga oleh orang tua yang sudah berumur. Seorang korban kekerasan seksual pastinya akan mengalami rasa trauma dan UPT PPA Kabupaten Situbondo memiliki layanan konseling bagi korban kekerasan seksual. Tujuan penelitian ini ialah: 1) Bagaimana tahap pelaksanaan konseling yang dilakukan oleh konselor dalam upaya mengatasi trauma korban kekerasan seksual di bawah umur selama proses konseling di UPT PPA Kabupaten Situbondo. 2) Bagaimana ragam teknik konseling dan media yang digunakan dalam proses pelaksanaan konseling korban kekerasan seksual di bawah umur di UPT PPA Kabupaten Situbondo. 3) Apa saja faktor penghambat dan pendukung dalam pelaksanaan konseling korban kekerasan seksual di bawah umur di UPT PPA Kabupaten Situbondo. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi di lapangan, serta menggunakan teknik triangulasi yakni triangulasi teknik dan triangulasi sumber. Hasil dari penelitian yaitu tahap yang dilakukan oleh konselor UPT PPA Kabupaten Situbondo memiliki 8 tahapan dengan pendekatan person centered, menggunakan 17 teknik konseling, serta faktor pendukung dan penghambat adalah keluarga dan lingkungan.</p> Helmia Putri, Febrina Rizky Agustina Copyright (c) 2024 Sociocouns: Journal of Islamic Guidance and Counseling Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0700