Upaya Pencegahan Pernikahan Dini Melalui Konseling Bibliotherapy


  • Sri Dwi Lestari, Ahmad Fauzi Mahasiswa




Counseling, Bibliotherapy, Early Marriage


This research is based on the background that occurs, namely in Jember every year the number of early marriages continues to increase so that preventive action is needed, one of which is in the school environment by conducting bibliotherapy counseling with novel media: Dark Notes of Early Marriage Prahara. So that children can have an understanding of early marriage education. Therefore, this study aims to determine the efforts of BK (Guidance Counseling) teachers how to implement bibliotherapy counseling as an effort to prevent early marriage at SMP N 2 Mayang, Jember Regency. Data collection in this study was carried out by observation, interviews and documentation. After the data is collected, the data will be analyzed to get the final result (conclusion). The results of this study are the counseling process carried out between counseling teachers as counselors and students as counselees, using the media of novel books written specifically for counseling media in conducting blibiotherapy counseling in an effort to prevent early marriage. Reading activities are carried out intensely and can be borrowed in rotation for 3 days by each student. After finishing reading the counseling teacher will ask what the meaning is after reading the novel.  Students who have finished doing blibiotherap counseling sessions state that they can understand the impact of early marriage, besides having new knowledge that can change their mindset to make decisions not to marry early.


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How to Cite

Sri Dwi Lestari, Ahmad Fauzi. (2024). Upaya Pencegahan Pernikahan Dini Melalui Konseling Bibliotherapy. Sociocouns: Journal of Islamic Guidance and Counseling, 4(1), 83–92. https://doi.org/10.35719/sjigc.v4i1.123